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General Acting Class

Insight Acting’s standard weekly class suitable for both newer students and our regulars to have fun, build confidence and grow your skillset.

Are you interested in trying out acting? Or were you a seasoned thespian in a former life? Maybe you want to boost your confidence or become a better communicator at work? This class is suitable for you no matter your experience.

The General Actors class is the place to try new things and go at your own pace, in a supportive and guided environment with an experienced and passionate teacher. Acting can help people find a voice, while those more familiar with acting continue to foster an understanding of themselves and their craft. Meet the Insight Acting community with these fun engaging classes.

Full Term:

Our Full Term (pay upfront) option gives you access to all 7 General Acting classes this term. You’ll receive 15% off the total price and any other Insight Acting related workshop, event or masterclass.

Perfect for people who:

  • Want to commit to a full term of classes.
  • Enjoy progressing through the syllabus.
  • Love a set-and-forget… just show up each week!
Buy Full Term (15% off!)

Single Class:

Our Weekly Drop In option gives you the flexibility to purchase General Acting classes as you go. Those dropping in weekly must pay prior to the beginning of class (on the day). Cash and card options are available.

Perfect for people who:

  • Want to try a few classes before committing to a term.
  • Flexibility to drop in when you have time.
  • Mix and match your classes!
Sign up free

Term 4 Details:

Term Length
9 Weeks
Class Time
Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday Night 6pm-8pm
Insight Acting Studio
Price (9 Classes)